Are You Planning for a Healthy 2016?

Are you planning for a healthy 2016?

Christmas is almost upon us. New Year’s isn’t far behind. Two weeks remain in the year.  Before we all start singing Auld Lang Syne, maybe we should take a moment to begin planning for a healthy 2016. 

I know you’re in the middle of the Christmas rush. You only have seven days left til Christmas. Then we all go into a food coma, until we wake up and realize, oh my gosh, I have to get ready for the parties on New Year’s Eve! I’m sure you think you have plenty of time for planning for a healthy 2016. 

What if I said you’re already too late?  I teach Pilates. I can’t tell you how many people I know who are still trying to lose weight to fit into that special dress for New Year’s! How many times have you tried to lose weight in the middle of the holidays? I can’t be the only one! 

I’m not saying you need a full blown project plan for the year, I’m just saying now might be the time to start sketching out some goals and doing some planning for a healthy 2016. For example, instead of your usual resolution to lose weight this year, try writing it out as a SMART goal? The SMART acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound.   

Another suggestion for planning for a healthy 2016 is to focus on things entirely in your control.  You can’t control how much weight you lose in a specific time frame, too many factors are involved.  However, you can control how often you exercise, or eating a healthy diet. 

My planning for a healthy 2016 includes reducing the amount of sugar in my diet and eating more at home. I’m planning to reduce snacking between meals.  These are all goals I have complete control over.  As we begin 2016, I’ll be right there with you, helping you determine what you want to achieve and how to get there.  

Planning for a healthy 2016 just means identifying what you want and how to get there, a plan that makes sense for you, no one else.  Because that’s what everyone is missing.  What works for one person won’t necessarily work for you.  Each one of us is unique, and that means our goals and how to reach them is unique too.  

Join me after the New Year, when we start to look at your resolutions and create a plan that helps you achieve them this time. 

So let me say best wishes for the holidays, have a wonderful new year, and I’ll see you next year as we begin the journey toward your healthiest, fittest year ever!


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