Can you make a difference in the world?

I’ve been involved with non-profits for the past 25 years. When given a chance to make a difference, I’m always willing to jump in. It’s not because I think I’m always the best person but because it provides me with an incredible opportunity to serve and help others. The benefits always outweigh any discomfort I go through until I get comfortable in the new environment. Working with non-profits has provided me with an opportunity to learn from many brilliant people around the world.

Why do I share this with you today? I have spent the past several weeks trying to determine what’s next in my life. Having spent the past 10 plus years taking care of others, I’ve decided I want to do something for me. After many great discussions with clients, friends, and my wife I came up with a new direction for my career.

I’ve been a blessed by so many unique opportunities and friendships through my non-profit partnerships. I have used these opportunities to create a larger circle of influence. Non-profits provide significant value to our society and ask for little in return. Today, many are on the edge of extinction, requiring help and resources to continue providing help to others who are in need. With unemployment hovering at almost 10% many of these organizations are struggling to survive. I often kid that I’m always one step away from the global leaders; most have taken my calls when needed. Many of my business partners and clients are some of the most influential people on the planet. My father taught me that if you don’t use your influence, it’s really not helping anyone. But how do you set up your life to try to have the greatest impact on others?

A general characteristic I’ve found about most of my best clients and partners is that they threw themselves into whatever they were involved in. They were highly competitive. They created lives that used their strengths, gifts, and life experiences in many different and fascinating ways. They avoided being average at all costs and were unwilling to waste their time doings things they did not do well. They found partners who could help them maximize their ROI on their passions.

Now how does this relate to this blog called Extraordinary Partnerships? My goal over the next several months and years is to provide you with the information that can help you change our world. I plan to provide you with the opportunity to get to know many great people and causes that could be the right fit for your unique contribution today. From this point on, this blog will be focused on how to uncover your unique gifts, strengths, and life experiences. We will also provide you insights into the many different passions others have, so you can begin making the connections you need to live an extraordinary life.

Starting next week, we begin sharing many of the people who work every day to help impact our world in a positive way. If you are looking for a place to share, care, and grow, I think you will be happy with the changes that are coming. Let us know how we can help you connect the dots.

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