Do you feel healthy every day? Take a brief moment right now. Close your eyes, lean back in your chair, and do a quick check of your body.
Do you have any aches or pains? Do you have a twinge here or there? Do you feel uncomfortable because your clothes are tight or pulling in places?
All of these little things are indicators that you may be less than completely healthy. This impacts every aspect of your life, whether you realize or not. I’m Tricia Braden and I want you to think about how you feel every day. Are you healthy?
That twinge in your knee? It may mean you pick up the phone and call a colleague rather than walking down the hall to touch base. When you don’t walk as much, you don’t burn as many calories, so your clothes start to feel tight. Being healthy is a domino effect. When you do a lot of little things right, you get healthy. When you do a lot of things wrong, your health goes downhill quickly!
I know it can be frustrating. Between work, school, kids’ activities, running a household, there’s not much time left for you. With so many things subtracting from your day, how do you add time for you and your health? I could give you some platitude about your health being the only thing that matters, but let’s face it, you don’t have time for that!
We all want to be healthier. And that’s where I come in. I’m not a psycho fitness freak. I don’t do boot camps on the weekends in between 10k runs. I don’t watch every bite I put in my mouth, and I don’t live on protein shakes.
I am, however, very interested in diet (in the true sense of the word, meaning what I eat), and fitness. I’m a lazy fitness person! I want to be healthy, but not if it means too much discomfort! As I mentioned before, health is a domino effect, do the little things consistently and you will get healthy.
Tripp is sharing a platform to write about those little healthy things to do every week, right here. Nothing I’m going to tell you is rocket science. Nothing I tell you to do will be unattainable. Everything I ask you do, you can do. It requires a commitment to yourself. Are you important enough to get healthy? Not for your kids, not for your spouse, but for you? Because once you decide you’re worth it, everything changes. And you can do it!
I know this is a tall hill to climb. Most of us don’t have the energy, let alone the time, to worry about making changes to your life, even if they are healthy ones. So, let me ask you to do this. Get out a piece of paper and a pencil (or open a new file on your computer!) and write a list of five things you really want to accomplish but you don’t have the energy to do.
Each week, I’ll give you one tip that takes you closer to accomplishing those goals. That’s all, just one small thing to do each week. It may not sound like much, but at the end of the year, that’s 52 changes you’ve made to a healthier you!
So join me here every week for Fitness Friday for health and wellness tips. I’ll share awesome, cool research that I come across that that may surprise you, might fascinate you, but always entertain you and get you healthy!