How Can You Avoid Holiday Stress This Year?

How do you reduce your holiday stress levels?How do you reduce your holiday stress levels?

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to get through the season avoiding the holiday stress so many of us suffer from? They seem so organized and calm while the rest of us rush around, scrambling to find the time to get everything done. So, how do they avoid the holiday stress?

I think some people avoid the holiday stress because they’re carriers. Tripp never stresses about the holidays because he just adds it to my to-do list! Then he doesn’t have to think about it anymore. He used to delegate to our puppies but they had a hard time wrapping presents!

Seriously, the sad thing about holiday stress is that we put most of it on ourselves. Each of us has our own image in our minds of how the holidays are “supposed to be.” Rarely does our image of the perfect holiday match up to anyone else’s.

So, in the interest of mental health, let me share with you some of my tricks that I use to reduce or avoid holiday stress.  Use which ever ones make sense to you.  Some you’ll agree with, others you just can’t see yourself doing.  That’s OK.  The point is to reduce holiday stress, not cause more!

The first tip to avoid holiday stress is to let go of perfection.  Whether you’re a tinsel thrower or hanger, the tree looks the same.  Just pick up what falls on the floor and let it go.

The second tip to avoid holiday stress is to reduce your to-do list.  Does it really matter how many different kinds of cookies you bake each year?  Pick one or two kinds and make them your specialty.  Everyone will still appreciate that you baked, even without a dozen different  varieties to choose from.

The third tip to avoid holiday stress is to simplify your gift giving. For years, I went all out, looking for the “perfect” gift for each person on my list.  One year, I just couldn’t get organized.  So, instead of the perfect gifts, I made a big batch of my home made Irish Cream and gave each family a bottle.  The tree didn’t collapse with a shudder, the world didn’t stop.  

As a matter of fact, everyone was thrilled with the gift.  Which, in turn, made me rethink how I approached gift giving.  It really is all about the thought, not the gift.  So, give them something they can really use! You can find Irish Cream recipes on the Internet.

The forth tip to avoid holiday stress is four words; gift bags and tissue! Go to the dollar store. Stock up on gift bags of every size and packages of tissue paper.  There, your wrapping is done!

The last tip I have to avoid holiday stress is to just stop.  Yes, I said stop.  Stop rushing, stop wrapping, stop writing cards.  Brew yourself a cup of tea, sit down, enjoy those decorations you put up, and relax. 

The world will still be there when you finish. But for now, give yourself five or ten minutes of guilt-free nothing.  It recharges your batteries, clears your head, and allows you to tackle your list with more sanity.

There, five tips that can help you get more enjoyment with less holiday stress out of the next five weeks.  Just remember, it’s the things that don’t go exactly to plan that become cherished holiday memories.  Perfection is just boring!

See you next week!

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