Why Detroit Will Lead the World in Innovation by 2025!

The future of innovation leads to Detroit

When you think technology innovation, do you think Detroit? What needs to happen to help transform Detroit into a technology juggernaut? I believe we are going to continue to see Detroit become a rising star in technology. Today, it’s a soft trend, but one that could transform the world over the next decade!

I’ve seen several hard trends that will catapult Detroit back into a technology powerhouse. I’m so confident that I’m moving my corporate office to the Detroit area over the next several months. What, you didn’t see that announcement in any major publications? I’ve been very successful in helping my clients see their future, now let’s see if I can help you see Detroit’s future.

Detroit continues to build strong educational organizations that empower people in the next great technological revolution. Innovative programs between public and private organizations continue to help train the next generation of organizational leaders.

With many extraordinary leaders moving out of their first careers, there will be a need for accelerated learning programs to help bring new leaders up to speed. Many educational organizations are taking advantage of these opportunities to create more anticipatory and agile leaders. This new global economy requires new leadership models to grow and thrive. In the past, and into the future, Detroit provides a bright opportunity for future business thought leaders.

Detroit has invested significant resources to provide just in time training and mentoring for the next generation of entrepreneurs. Blended learning provides endless opportunities, expanding the horizon for new leaders beyond automotive. Anchored by the University of Michigan and Michigan State University, Michigan is ready to lead the world into the next generation of market leadership.

Detroit employers and communities are building a strong technology infrastructure supported by cloud computing, smart cities and IoT. This allows many entrepreneurs future opportunities with global access to new markets and opportunities. By launching many different startup organizations, Detroit can reduce the dependence on the automotive industry for employment.

The hub for much of this this new activity is centered in Ann Arbor and surrounding communities. As we move forward, this infrastructure represents a technology utility that can help organizations scale and grow globally faster. The cloud, data science, and advanced analytics bring corporate entrepreneurs the information to take control of their destinies.

Detroit is the home to “We deliver” style of business leadership. Show me is more important than tell me what you’ll do. This is a scrappy town preparing for the next generation of global leadership.

This region will be the home of many leading organizations across the many emerging industries and markets. I’m hoping to help these organizations grow and prosper the way we have done with many of our clients from the past.

Let’s look at the diversity the greater Detroit market offers to its citizens. Go to any major function in Detroit and you see incredible diversity. Spend a day shopping at many different retailers, including the Eastern Market, and you will discover a secret hidden here in the Midwest.  People from all over the world creating increasingly diverse and inclusive neighborhoods. The housing costs and lifestyle can put many larger cities to shame.

Many of these people will take their Detroit businesses back to their home countries. Many technology advances like blockchain and cloud technologies allow international businesses to evolve much more quickly than in the past.

Detroit will be leaning into these future business developments. These advancements continue to create the next generation of global entrepreneurs, first created here in Detroit. Women entrepreneurs are leading the charge for new industries and markets. Entrepreneurship looks good on them!

Will the Detroit areas be able to attract the best and brightest organizations to their city? Over the past several years, healthcare systems continue to evolve and change how healthcare is being provided to its people.   For many workers, caregiving becomes critical part of their lives. These healthcare entrepreneurs has had significant financial investment into the caregiving and healthcare industries. We know what we have now won’t work, but many different models are emerging from this growing healthcare incubator.

We all know a city isn’t all work, and Detroit has plenty of areas to play.  From the glitz and glitter of Greektown’s casinos, to one of the best art collections in the country at the Detroit Institute of Arts, to a world-class zoo, and, of course, The Henry Ford, Detroit has so much to see and do in your off hours.

Finally, what does this mean to me, my family and my clients? I see these trends and know they provide significant new opportunities to explore for the next 10 years and beyond.  I already have two long term clients who are committed to help make this vision come true. Over the coming months, I’ll be relocating my home office to the Detroit area. I would love to hear from people in Detroit that can help me better understand what is happening there. I’m a quick study and plan to bring several key financial investors with me.

I’ve just started reaching out to my clients and they see this news as being very positive. I think it’s because this move puts a world class international airport in my back yard, making it much easier for me to get to them. But I’m sure that’s not the case. They are just thinking how nice it would be to have my wife be able to spend more time with her mother and family.

For the past several years I’ve ben surrounded by Amish Farms and by parks, a 70,0O0 acre lake as a front yard view. No more Smallville. Back to our future in Detroit!

I would love to partner with you as we take on our next big adventure of returning to Detroit with my wife and family. I’ll be sharing what I learn and hoping you will take this journey with me.
See you next week.

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