Can an IOT Technology Begin Transforming Your Life Today?

The biggest challenge I face is that I can’t figure out how IOT technology will disrupt your life and world. Not that if we sat down and talked, in about an hour of questions I bet I could find many ways that I could help you disrupt your market with what I learned last week at IBM InterConnect.

I’ve never been to a conference where I had so many ideas, I couldn’t write or sleep for several days and nights.  I’m going to be spending significant time sharing what I learned over the coming weeks and months. I will introduce you to many of the people whose influence have shifted my thinking so dramatically about the future of business and our world.

I believe that we are just beginning to harvest the power of IOT technology. I bet we have seen less than 5% of the possibilities, and I’m being generous with that number. Today, I share several IOT technologies that are going change how you live your life and that of everyone you know. I’m not a person who likes all the hyperbole surrounding the Internet of Things.

After spending time with many of the world’s IOT technology leaders, I would say I might have been wrong.  The way we acquire, pay for, and use products and services is going to change. Are you prepared for a connected future?

The physical supply chain in converging with the data driven supply chain. This is happening as we speak, and this process is going to continue to accelerate over the coming months and years. I know I promised you an article on supply chain, but I’m still not fully prepared to share what I learned and how to apply it to your organization. Next week, I start sharing specifics about how IOT technology is going to change almost everything we do. I will also show how these technologies will converge to create a better world!

The first IOT technology is Digital Twin, changing how we create the future. It will change how our engineering teams engineer, manufacture, and distribute our products and services.  It has the potential to disrupt so many industries and markets by changing how we live and work. Imagine having the ability to work anywhere in the world that you can connect to in the cloud. These capabilities are going to transform all aspects of our lives.

In the past, many organizations have invested significant money in creating new products and services. New products would take months, if not years, to produce a new market. Product development cycles could go from several weeks to several years before new products and services came to market. Digital Twin can change how we create and optimize the products and services we create and use.  I’m going to share how digital twin might impact your supply chain.

The second IOT technology is helping to create an ecosystem that allows us to leverage the cloud anywhere we need it. The cloud can provide you access to information you need anywhere in the world. Imagine having the ability to access a global team of engineers and professionals that can work together on this shared infrastructure.

Now, imagine the possibility to having an education system that all can access from where they are. Imagine if you could stop spending so much money on travelling and investing it on bringing education into your home or office. Imagine having your children taught by many of the world’s best teachers. A single goal is to create 5,000,000 apprenticeships to help power this revolution.

Consider how the cloud can help the world population access this computing power through secure mobile devices they can carry in their pockets.  Cloud IOT technologies will make new possibilities and careers available to people around the world.

The third IOT technology is Blockchain. Right now, many business partnerships are limited by archaic financial structures that do not serve the world’s population. Many entrepreneurs have great ideas, but struggle to find the needed early capital required to start a business. Enter Blockchain and IOT technology that can be used not only to raise money, but to provide needed financial structures to create a platform that can lead to the next generation of VC and private equity groups.

Blockchain is already transforming how partnerships can be structured between both large and small organizations around the world. Leveraging communities and creating trust between partners both big and small. I can’t wait to share how these technologies will begin transforming our lives, our families, and our communities.

The final IOT technology is cognitive. We’ve talked about these capabilities in the past, but I feel we should reexplore them in terms of what they can do in terms of supporting the earlier technologies we discussed. I had a chance to learn about the cognitive supply chain and it gave me a whole new perspective of what’s available today and how it will interact with other IOT technologies.

Want to learn more about my week in Las Vegas? You might enjoy How Will IOT Help Power Your Future Supply Chain?

What is my favorite IOT technology? More importantly, which one is going to change your life? Stick around, starting next week I’ll start sharing what IOT technology can do for you today while helping creating a better future for your children and, in many cases, your grandchildren.  See you then.

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