Are You Adding Too Much Value in Your Leadership Conversations?

I enjoy listening to Marshall Goldsmith share what he’s learned working with many of the world best business leaders. One of my favorite questions he asks is do you add too much value in your conversations?

His style of coaching in more confrontational than many coaches I know.  He is a great role model for individuals and coaches who have to deal with strong leaders. He is very good at challenging traditional business thinking and has many great practical ideas to get people to change their behavior.  He believes it’s important to help people change, but understanding they have got to want to change. He helps people understand and value the changes they are making.  One of my favorite of Marshall’s techniques is fining people for bad behavior, and not a little. Over the years he has discovered the loss of money, even for men and women who are well paid, helps break the habit faster than almost any other method.

The reason this is critical for Marshall is he has a money back guarantee on all of his coaching work. I’m not sure many coaches do this. I’ll share the secret of how and why on a future blog, but when I started offering a money back guarantee I began to get better clients and started to be a much stronger coach for my clients. They value my investment in their futures.

We’ve talked about incorporating more video into our blogs to help you get exposed to great people and their messages. I thought I’d share one of my favorite people. As you think about what Marshall Goldsmith shares here, ask yourself if you are adding too much value. It’s easy to do, but as you learn today, there is a better way, and Marshall shares it with you.

Let me know what you think and I’ll see you Thursday, when I share several ideas that help you become a stronger leader. Are you looking for more Marshall Goldsmith? Check out his website here for more great resources. See you on Thursday.

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