How do you attract the best donors to your nonprofit organization? The right donor can help an organization change the world. The wrong donor can cost you valuable time, resources, and reputation. Here’s why I’m qualified to share a key donor development system. I’ve spent the last 25 years working…
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Introducing Eric Nager
So how does a nonprofit deal with a changing economic environment? As you know, I spend my time meeting with many interesting people around the country talking about how to build and lead successful nonprofit organizations. With all of the ups and downs in the economy, I thought it might…
Continue Reading....How Good are Your People?
As we talked last week about how passionate you are about your nonprofit’s mission, vision, values, did you find yourself reenergized about your organization’s potential? If you are a leader in your organization, it’s very easy to share your story with others with similar interests and values. I find this…
Continue Reading....How to Take Your NonProfit Organization to the Next Level
I know your nonprofit faces changes from every direction in this economic environment. Are you facing some of these challenges? • Doing more with less money • Decreasing donations for increasing needs • Aging donor base • Next generation stakeholders who want a different relationship with nonprofits • Global competition…
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