by Denis Waitley The knowledge era’s new leaders, many of whom are immigrants and women, are managing change by conceiving innovative organizations and novel ways to attract and motivate employees. They are learning to be proactive instead of reactive, and to appreciate the full importance of relationships and alliances. They…
Continue Reading....Tag: Strategic Marketing
Taking Smart Risks
All of life is a risk of some kind. Whenever you engage in any action where the outcome is uncertain, for any reason, you are taking a risk. You take a small risk when you drive to work or walk across the street. You take a larger risk when you…
Continue Reading....Are You Keeping up With New Lead Generation Strategies?
The blog Market Leadership Journal is conducting a lead generation survey to uncover what’s changing in lead generation. Changing times call for changes in how you find your best clients and how they find you. This survey uncovers how many SMB businesses are finding new clients. The survey covers the…
Continue Reading....The Value of a Lifetime Customer
I’ve wondered why so many good technology businesses spend thousands of dollars to get a new customer and then after the first project they tend to forget these clients and are off to chase the next big potential client. With the cost of a sales meeting with a new client…
Continue Reading....When Less Is More, Part 2
What kind of value do you put on your time? Everyone has the same number of hours in the day, but why do some people seem to get so much more from their time? It’s because they recognize the value of their time and invest it in high pay-off activities,…
Continue Reading....Social Media: A Massive Opportunity for SMB B2Bs
This week’s guest blogger on Market Leadership Journal is Bob Leonard of acSellerant. I’m pleased to introduce Bob to the readers of the Extraordinary Partnerships blog. I thought his insights on using social media might be helpful to all of you. I learned about Bob while working on a project…
Continue Reading....What’s the Purpose of Your Partnership?
There are certain truths in business. People have written entire books on the subject. But some of those truths bear repeating on a regular basis. In the stress and work of getting sales in your software or technology company, it’s easy to forget what you’re trying to accomplish. While a…
Continue Reading....The Two Choices We Face by Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn made a huge difference in my life. Jim shared his philosophy with me over 20 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio. He reminded me that if you’re given many gifts, you should use them to become a better leader. Jim always felt that many people abdicate their own future…
Continue Reading....In a Crisis, Do You Lead or Manage?
Like most of you, I’m watching the news of what’s happening with the Gulf oil spill very closely. It’s very easy to be frustrated and ask why anyone didn’t anticipate something like this. But let me ask you this, how many of you are prepared for a crisis? How many…
Continue Reading....Remembering Coach Wooden http:…
Remembering Coach Wooden Why leadership matters for your leadership teams #CEO #CIO #CMO #SCR…
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