How do you bring new talent into your organization? What’s the biggest challenge for leaders in almost all midmarket organizations? I find the biggest challenge is how entrepreneurs attract millennials to their organization. Don’t worry; I’ve got significant experience working with millennials both in high school and college. You’re going…
Continue Reading....Category: serving leadership
How Can You Connect with Baby Boomer Serving Leaders?
How many pieces of mail do you get every day? How many emails, messages, and social media postings do you see on a regular basis? If you’re the average baby boomer today, you are exposed to over 20,000 messages every day. It’s no wonder that your messages don’t get read. …
Continue Reading....How Jesus Christ Changed the World in Two Words!
He lives. In saying this, the history of mankind was changed forever. How could so few words change the world? Jesus Christ lives. How does this impact serving leaders? Must you follow his life to be a great serving leader? I’ve known many of the world’s serving leaders and not…
Continue Reading....Every Person Has a Story, Why Not Share Yours?
Last week, I watched Dave Isay receive the 2015 TED Prize of 1,000,000 dollars. This is a great honor for Dave Isay and his team at StoryCorps. When you win the TED Prize, you are asked to share your wish with a live audience of what you would like to…
Continue Reading....What Can Entrepreneurs Learn from George Washington Today?
George Washington led our country well over 220 years ago. How would he deal with the many challenges facing serving leaders today? What can we serving entrepreneurs learn from this revolutionary leader? Could his revolutionary leadership strategies still help entrepreneurs today?
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