Client Success Stories

Our clients success is critial to coaching engagements

Empowering Leadership and Driving Growth

Client Success is the cormerstone of our coaching engagements. At the core of our HAWK coaching philosophy is the belief that people drive businesses forward.

In every project, we focus on empowering leadership teams to take decisive action, allowing organizations to scale, pivot, and ultimately succeed.

Below are three client success stories that showcase the size and scope of the challenges we help clients tackle. These engagements demonstrate not just the strategic work, but how we enabled leadership teams to own the outcomes and move forward confidently.

Client Success : Establishing Independence – Spinning Off a Financial Services Firm

Client Overview: A financial services firm being spun off from its parent company, led by a newly appointed CEO who needed to define the company’s go-to-market strategy and identify a new client base.


  • Uncertainty about how to position the firm independently of the parent company’s legacy.
  • Lack of clarity on the target market and potential client base for the new suite of financial products and services.
  • Internal concerns about shifting corporate culture and aligning the team with a new strategic vision.

Coaching Approach: Using the HAWK Coaching methodology, we focused on:

  • Market Strategy Development: Helped the CEO analyze the current market landscape, identify competitive opportunities, and create a clear go-to-market strategy.
  • Client Base Identification: Worked with the leadership team to segment the market and pinpoint high-value potential clients.
  • Cultural Alignment: Developed a strategy to shift the corporate culture toward a more entrepreneurial mindset, aligning the team with the firm’s independent identity.


  • A comprehensive go-to-market strategy was established, positioning the firm as a leader in niche financial services.
  • The company secured three major new clients within six months.
  • A strong corporate culture emerged, centered around innovation and customer-centricity, aligning the entire organization with the CEO’s vision.

Client Success: Transitioning from Products to Services – Industrial Products Firm Expanding Offerings

Client Overview: An industrial products firm, traditionally seen as a supplier of commoditized industrial gases, rolling out a new line of specialized products and services to add value for their clients.


  • The firm was viewed as a commodity supplier and needed to shift client perception toward being a value-added partner.
  • The sales team lacked experience in selling services and needed training on how to position the new offering.
  • Internal resistance to change, with the sales team used to selling based on price rather than value.

Coaching Approach: Through the HAWK Coaching methodology, we focused on:

  • Sales Training & Strategy: Developed a comprehensive sales training program that focused on value-based selling and client solutions.
  • Value Proposition Development: Worked with leadership to craft a compelling value proposition for the new service offering.
  • Change Management: Provided coaching on managing the cultural shift towards service-based sales and client engagement.


  • The sales team successfully transitioned to a value-based selling approach, increasing service sales by 35% within the first year.
  • 20% of existing customers began purchasing both the specialized gases and the complementary services.
  • The company improved customer retention and positioned itself as a leader in the market with a diversified revenue stream.

Client Success : Preparing for Growth and Acquisition – Leading Regional Healthcare Provider

Client Overview: A leading regional healthcare provider specializing in heart care, aiming to offer a concierge service and expand its market while preparing for potential acquisition opportunities.


  • The organization needed to accelerate growth while maintaining high-quality care.
  • Leadership lacked structures and processes to support rapid expansion.
  • The goal was to position the organization as a valuable acquisition target for larger healthcare systems.

Coaching Approach: Using HAWK Coaching Methodology, we focused on:

  • Leadership Development for Growth: Worked with the leadership team to develop skills and strategies for scaling the business while maintaining service quality.
  • Organizational Structure & Strategy: Helped design processes to support sustainable growth and increase the firm’s appeal to potential acquirers.
  • Market Differentiation: Developed a strategy for launching the concierge service, positioning the firm as a premium heart care provider.


  • The leadership team aligned around a shared vision for growth, implementing processes that allowed the organization to scale.
  • The concierge service launched successfully, leading to a 20% increase in patient acquisition.
  • The organization became an attractive acquisition target, ultimately being acquired by the region’s largest healthcare provider.

Each of these client successes demonstrates the human factor at the core of our coaching engagements. By focusing on empowering leadership and their teams to drive change. We empower organizations to not only take on large projects but also achieve results that elevate their business to new levels.