What will you do with your time here? This week we celebrate the birth of a man who did more in three years than all of us will do in a lifetime. I challenge you to take time to reflect and decide what you’re going to do to make a difference in your community. If this year’s tragedies have done anything, they should remind us that we never know when we will be called home. We all live for a limited time.
What we do with it is up to us. Make the commitment to get more involved in others’ lives. Take time to share your unique gifts with the world. Don’t be afraid to step into your own greatness. The world will be led by people who do things, not by the people who think about it. Be willing to make mistakes. None of us were ever perfect when we started out on our unique paths. We always do the best we can in the moment. These moments add up to our lifetime. Invest your time to create the world you want.
Have a Merry Christmas this year. Enjoy your time with family and friends as we have much to do in the coming year.