Although most of us talk on a regular basis, communication is a difficult and necessary skill. You need to communicate with people in all walks of life, from your banker and board members to your staff. Worthwhile communications means that everyone you interact with understands what you are saying and acknowledges that understanding.
As Brian Tracy discusses in the following three part article, communication is more than just a gift for gab. True communication requires both talking and listening. And listening means more than waiting for your turn to talk again! So read on to learn how to improve your communications skills and get your ideas across.
Getting Your Ideas Across, Part 1
By: Brian Tracy
Over the years, I’ve learned that fully 85 percent of what you accomplish in your career and in your personal life will be determined by how well you get your message across and by how capable you are of inspiring people to take action on your ideas and recommendations.
You can be limited in other respectsby education, contacts and intelligencebut if you can interact effectively with others, minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour, your future can be unlimited.
There are two major myths about communication that must be dispelled.
The first myth is that because they can talk, they can communicate with others. Men especially, according to the research, think that by speaking louder and faster, they’re more effective in dealing with people. Many people think that because they have the gift of gab, because they have no problem talking to others on any subject that comes to mind, they’re good communicators.
Often, exactly the opposite is true. Many people who talk a lot are often poor communicatorseven terrible communicators. Many people in sales and business think that being able to string a lot of words together in a breathless fashion makes them excellent at getting a message understood by others. However, in most cases, those people are seen as boring or obnoxious, or both. The ability to communicate is the ability both to send and to receive a message. The ability to communicate is the ability to make an impact on the thoughts, feelings and actions of someone.
The second myth about effective communication is that it’s a skill that people are born with. Either you have it or you don’t have it. If you’re not extroverted, gregarious and outgoing, you don’t have what it takes to be a good communicator.
Again, nothing could be further from the truth. Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. It takes time and practice, over and over. But if you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life, as you will soon see.
The second part of the article will be in tomorrow’s blog post. Come back to learn more about the communications process.
About the author
Brian Tracy is a legendary in the fields of management, leadership, and sales. He has produced more than 300 audio/video programs and has written 28 books, including his just-released book “The Psychology of Selling.” Special offer: To receive your free copy of “Crunch Time!, just visit and click on the Crunch Time! icon. He can be reached at (858) 481-2977 or