My publication Market Leadership Journal is conducting a lead generation survey to uncover what’s changing in lead generation. Changing times call for changes in how you find your best clients and how they find you. Our survey will uncover how many SMB businesses are finding new clients. This survey will cover the many factors involved in getting better leads. This survey includes:
• How is social media being used
• How much are people spending to get leads
• Do different size businesses do lead generation differently?
• What are the most productive ways of doing lead generation
• Does direct mail and telemarketing still work?
Some say lead generation has changed. Others are saying lead generation is dead. What’s happening with your lead generation efforts? Are getting as many leads as ever? Are your conversion rates holding steady?
We Want Your Opinion
We want to know if your lead generation has changed in the face of so much economic uncertainty. We’re conducting a survey to get your input. This short, 15 question survey will take about 5 or 10 minutes of your time to complete. Your privacy will be completed protected. Survey results will only be reported in aggregate.
Click the Link Below to Begin
To take the survey, click the link below. It will take you to the first page of the survey. For each of the 10 questions, select the answer that best describes the lead generation system used by your business. There are no right or wrong answers.
Then Sign up for a Free Teleseminar to See the Results
You have several opportunities to sign up for a free follow-up teleseminar to find out what the survey says. How does your company compare to others? Sign up for both a copy of the survey results and a free teleseminar to learn what they mean to you.