I’m Not an Actor, but I play one on TV

Continuing on the topic of “state”—Are you in control of your state, or is your state in control of you? Successful people are masters of their states—and thus their resourcefulness at virtually any point in time. It is largely the cumulative condition of your thoughts and your physiology; your mind and your body.

When in a negative state, you can’t wait for change. You must change it yourself. For some of us, it seems impossible—indeed it is a skill I continue to work hard to develop myself (especially in the early mornings). Some days it’s easier than others. But like anything, it requires practice.

Let’s say you need to make follow up calls, but you aren’t in the mood. You are not feeling very successful or effective. You’re telling yourself: “What’s the point? No one wants to be bothered by me.” With that, you sit at your desk; your back and shoulders are slumped. You proceed to look around for other “busy” work to do to avoid what you should be doing. So how do you change?

1. Be aware of your present state. You know you are not in the state to do this effectively. You know that your present state—regardless of what caused it (lack of sleep, argument with another colleague, the weather, etc.)—is not going to help you produce the results you want. Objective awareness is the first step.

2. Decide—and imagine—the state you WANT. You have been in that desired state many times. Imagine how you felt, how you behaved, your posture and other body language, and your thoughts. Consider the last good phone session you had (or another example), and begin to relive the positive state you were in.

3. With these indicators, start with your body language. Self talk depends upon body language as much as do our thoughts. Get up, stretch out, and breathe more deeply and with intent. Straighten your posture. Feeling tired does not mean you have to act tired. If you want to feel more energetic, act more energetic.

4. Trade lies for Truth. The message you hear that you’re not worthy and have nothing to offer is a LIE. Don’t surrender to it. Know the TRUTH: that you are a person on an important mission to help people and to create a better world. Your phone call to each prospect is a positive impact on that person’s life—regardless of the outcome. Each phone call is a “pay it forward”—an outreach of service. Every appointment scheduled is medal on your chest for every five to ten calls you complete! Every call is an act of brotherly love and service to others.

5. Never, Never Surrender. This takes practice. It takes persistence. It is simple, but not always easy. But if you know what you WANT, commit to it. Further, you haven’t lost until you’ve quit. Sometimes you will change your state with greater success than other times. Accept this. It’s okay. Persistence is what sets you apart from the rest.

In effect, when you do this, you are acting. You are performing for an audience—and the most important member of that audience is not your prospect…it is you.

Keith F. Luscher, (Google Search) is a business development director for The Money Foundation / H. Beck, Inc. Prior to this he served professionals in the insurance and financial services industries as a management consultant. In that role, he advised producers on issues related to marketing and prospecting, and developed groundbreaking educational curriculum. In addition, Keith is also a nationally known author, speaker, and expert in media, interpersonal communication and marketing. Keith is also the author of several diverse books, including Prospect & Flourish: How to Conquer the “Weakest Link” in the Sales Process –a prospecting and networking guide for sales professionals and job seekers. He is also the author of Don’t Wait Until You Graduate, an widely acclaimed advanced career-planning book for college students that, in the past ten years, has become a part of the college landscape. It has also been translated into Chinese and is now in its second edition.

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